Monday, March 22, 2010

The Pledge

I've wandered. I haven't been paying attention to my works in progress. I need to be better about fitting it in -- making time to write for me.

Today, I did the final interview for my paying gig over the phone. It's been a while (about a year?) since I've done a freelance article and my typing-while-listening skills are rusty. So are my interviewer skills. But I got it done.

Now, I just need to write the article. Well, finish it. I started writing it on Friday. I like to step away and come back to an article with fresh eyes.

In fact, every time I look at a piece of my writing, I can change it. That's why writers need deadlines. Maybe that's my problem with the things I'm writing for myself. Maybe that's why things like NaNoWriMo are so popular.

Liz over at Writing Mommy had a great idea to create a pledge for aspiring authors. I've been meaning to sign up, so here I go. You should sign up, too!

I, Kerrie T., take The Aspiring Writers Pledge to write a book in 2010 with the intent of publishing. I promise to update my progress weekly, ask when I need support and encourage others to complete the task at hand.

I just hope I don't wait till Dec. 31st to get it done...

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Happy to have you. I know I've had a crap-tastic week with writing. Hope you can do better than that! LOL.


Write something. Anything.